Morning Prayer

sacred gesture


Once again the earth has completed its 24-hour turnaround and again has come to face the brilliance of our sun-star. As its light floods the darkness of space, may the Spirit that sings its ageless song continuously in the cave of my heart now flood my heart with the rays of light eternal. Encircled in that light, I enter now into silence.


period of silent prayer or meditation


As the sounds of life begin on this Monday, may my voice be one with the chorus of all creation which rejoices in the ripeness of autumn. May this morning prayer echo through my every deed of this new day.


a psalm, spiritual reading or personal prayer


O Giver of all gifts, who has so enriched my life, I have many needs this day. Grant me the gift of patience so that I may live in harmony with all. Grant me the grace of compassion so that I may not bypass anyone in need. And give me enthusiasm for the tasks of this autumn day so that I may invest it with your love and life. I pray for the following intentions:_______.

Although alone at the moment, I embrace the mystery that I do not pray privately but am one with all the earth and all your children. I place within your heart these needs of the other members of the sacred family to which I belong:_______.

I ask you, my hidden God, who has filled heaven and earth with your glory, to help me to make my hands into your hands, so that your will may be done by me this day. Form my words into your words to affirm the faint hearted, to support the faltering and to encourage the poor of spirit. Fill up all that is lacking in me, so that I may be your humble servant, a co-creator in your endless drama of creation.

I begin this day as I bow before you.

Blessed are you, O Harvest of my heart,

Sacred Source of all life,

Delight of my days.


sacred gesture




Evening Prayer

sacred gesture


As this autumn day draws to a close, I marvel that this earth has been spinning at over a thousand miles an hour. Quickly indeed, for so massive a planet, has one complete revolution finished since this time last evening. As the nighttime view of space opens before me, filled with the splendor of sparkling stars, I pause to be consciously one with you, the loving creator of this whole universe. Wrap me in wonder and awe as I now enter into silent communion with you.


period of silent prayer or meditation


This autumn evening, whose wind carries songs of harvest gratitude, is part of the prayer my heart lifts up to you with love and thanksgiving.


a psalm, spiritual reading or personal prayer


Oh how easily, my beloved God, do I believe that I am in charge of my life, that this day has succeeded because of my efforts. With humility I acknowledge that you have been at the sacred source of the good that I have done and the evil I have avoided. To raise that awareness, I now ask your gracious assistance in my life as I pray for the following intentions:_______. May my prayers for those I love weave ever more strongly the web that unites us, as I now lift up their needs:_______.

Tired of body but full of gratitude, I prepare to enter into the healing embrace of sleep. May this night be salve for both body and soul; may it fill me with energy and grant rest to my mind. I am mindful that I sleep secure while many are homeless, aliens in a strange land or separated from those they love. Cover them in the tent of your holy presence and give them hope, as I now surrender in love my day, my life and my very being unto you, my Beloved.

Blessed are you, O Harvest of my heart,

Sacred Source of all life,

Ever-watchful Guardian of my sleep.


sacred gesture
