Morning Prayer

sacred gesture


The touch of winter has made much of the earth seem like the moon: cold and barren. But as the first gray light of dawn creeps across the earth, I ask that my heart will not be a chilled chapel, but rather a torrid temple, filled with the fire of love. In that desire I now anoint this new day with my prayer of silence.


period of silent prayer or meditation


The night has ended and day begins. I likewise long for the night of winter to be over and for spring to dawn upon us. I seek not so much to grow in virtue this day as to grow in likeness of you, O Compassionate One. As one of your priestly people, may the following prayer express my care for all peoples and all of creation.


a psalm, spiritual reading or personal prayer


May this time of prayer awaken me, Gracious God, to all the hidden gifts of your life that are secretly contained in this day. I ask to be awakened to the wisdom within the words of your son Buddha who, guided by your Spirit, said, "Wakefulness is the way of life, the fool sleeps as if already dead but the saint is awake and lives forever."

Send me frequent wake-up calls this day, that I might become aware of the true purpose of life. May I be awake to life as a gift from you that is intended to be enjoyed and experienced with delight. Remove from me ruts of habit that prevent me from truly seeing, hearing and tasting your presence in this winter day.

May wakefulness be my watchword as I dedicate my desire to be mindful of your glory for the intentions of all who are in need this day, and especially for:_______. May my prayer on this Friday morning be one with all the prayers that rise up from mosques on this sacred day of Islam. May it join the great chorus of praise that rises up from all those who love you.

Blessed and beautiful are you, my God.

May your light be my sun this winter day.


sacred gesture




Evening Prayer

sacred gesture


God of all creation, who lives in one eternal season, this season of winter seems the longest of the four. Perhaps it is the chill and dampness or the short hours of daylight, but part of me longs for spring. Soon the hearts of birds will ring with a call to make their migratory journeys homeward. Awaken my heart to journey inward to you, the source of my life's migration as well as its destination. May your Spirit lead me into prayer, as I now enter the innermost chamber of my heart.


period of silent prayer or meditation


O Ever-patient One, the affairs of this day often felt like magnets that pulled me away from the still point of your presence. Forgive any lack of zeal in my prayer and fuel me with fervor as I now pray.


a psalm, spiritual reading or personal prayer


I acknowledge that my prayers are threads within a web of worship that spans this earthen planet. I reach out across the miles to touch with prayer and love those who are dear to me; in particular this night I pray for:_______. I remember as well those who have tasted the bitterness of loneliness and defeat this day and those whose hearts are empty of faith in themselves and in you. I pray too for my sisters and brothers who are called the national enemies of my country, and for all who work for disarmament and peace.

As this day rapidly comes to a conclusion, I ask that you would encircle me with the Spirit of the Holy and with the abiding presence of your son Jesus Christ. Bless my home on this winter night. Bless too my sleep and my dreams. May Mary, the Blessed Mother, watch by my bed this night that I may sleep in peace.

O Guardian of galaxies,

Mother of the cosmos and

Father of stars beyond counting,

may I sleep in you tonight.


sacred gesture
