Volume 4 Issue 2 ~~SPRING 1999


Support for gay, lesbian and bisexual Christians & friends

A Queer Reading of Acts 10:34-43

What good news is this passage for us for us who are queer. Satan is the great accuser and oppresses us through political, cultural and ecclesiastical structures that are homophobic/hetrosexist/misogynistic . The good news for us in this passage is that we have healing from the oppression of the devil, but it cuts two ways.... We must stop being oppressors ourselves for Christ is no respecter of Persons, Jesus sets us free; free to love free, to do good, but I ask you are we doing right when we look down on a person who differs from us. Do we look at a person and judge them with thoughts like 'what a slut' or 'bisexuality is such cop out' or even 'I can't stand drag queens'. Let us remember it is Christ who is ordained by God to judge all. Who of knows knows what insecurity (or loneliness, or what other reason) may compel a person to seek what others might call meaningless sex. Who of us who know not of attraction for both sexes are capable of standing in the tortuous shoes of one who dearly loves their spouse but cannot be fulfilled with in them alone. Those of us who do not happen to find cross dressing appealing should not deny it as a legitimate form of expression that needs to be fulfilled. Our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus loved us enough to die in a painful accused way, not that we should ever bring oppression but that we might bring freedom. That freedom must include freeing our oppressors from our hate and praying for them. That freedom must include us not oppressing those we do not understand and trying our best to love them and help them bear their burdens. That freedom is a call to spread the Good News and and join in the prophet cry testifying that everyone who believes in Jesus receives forgiveness of sins through Jesus name. Then truly we are fulfilling our call to be light to the world in remembering that light is made up of all colours of the spectrum, then we can truly join Jesus in doing good and healing all oppressed by the devil, for God will be with us and in us working powerfully... dwf


Food for thought:


To do justice-love means seeking right-relatedness with others and work to set right all wrong relations, especially distorted dynamics of domination and subordination. Embracing the goodness of our sexuality, of our erotic desire for wholeness and connectedness is, therefore, a Godly gift to us. Erotic power, rightly ordered, grounds and moves on, gently yet persistently, to engage in creating justice with love for ourselves and all others.

--Presbyterians and Human Sexuality 1991


Joy lies at the heart of the gospel­a truth echoed in the common root, in Greek, of [the] two words grace and joy (charis, chara). It is God's joy to be gracious to us, while our joy has its grounds in his grace. --David J. Williams, University of Melbourne


Do not always scrupulously confine yourself to certain rules, or particular forms of devotion, but act with a general confidence in God, with love and humility. --Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection


Christian faith if real permeates one's life...religion either deeply penetrates our lives or it is not true religion. -- Jerome H. Heyrey (S.J.), Collegeville Bble Commentary


Far better to be deceived in a doubtful case and suffer hurt, than a skeptic to hurt another who should have been believed. -- Paul W. Marsh, Biblical Consultant


Until the homosexual experience is truthfully spoken and truthfully heard, the disorder will not be homosexuality, but the inability of the church to stand in truth, endure it and live from it. --Xavier Seubert (Catholic Theologian)


Does the church, like the world, seek it's own survival by defending itself against the threat of weakness? Or Does the church seek friendship with God by embracing in the same spirit of open gift giving all of God's creatures, so that the strength of each one is gathered from the shared strength of all? --Luke T. Johnson, Chandler School of Theology


The sinner who justifies himself does not know God as judge and does not need God as Savior. --Reinhold Niebular, Human Nature


Not only is there one God but also one mediator between God and humankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom not just for the few but for all. The gospel cannot be narrowed down to an elect. It is for everyone. --E. G. Hinson, Mercer Bible Commentary


God really suffers with HIV[-infected] people, their illness, and their social afflictions. A leather jacket of an HIV-Positive individual reads "God is HIV+". The ascription asserts God's solidarity with HIV-infected people, their marginalization and suffering. Queer Christians witness in their love-making: "To reject people living with HIV illness is to reject God." -- Robert Gross, (Jesus Acted Up)


The Gospel hath brought life and immortality to light, for we know Whom we have believed; and "perfect love casteth out fear." Not even the problems of sickness, sorrow, suffering, and death are unnoticed. "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning." The tears of earth's night hang as dewdrops on flower and tree, presently to sparkle like diamonds in the morning sun. For, in that night of nights has Christ mingled the sweat of human toil and sorrow with the precious blood of His agony, and made it drop on earth as sweet balsam to heal its wounds, to soothe its sorrows, and to take away its death. --Alfred Edersheim (Sketches Of Jewish Social Life)



Donations Appreciated

On our behalf, St. Stephen's Church has kindly agreed to issue tax­ deductible receipts for donations of $35. These donations to St. Stephen's are in lieu of rent. Become a supporter. If you would like to do this please speak to Winston. You can reach Winston at 246-2029.


Drop us a line

Do you have a story, article or idea you wish to share? 
All articles must include name address and phone number. 
Names will not be published upon request.

Integrity /Calgary 
1121-14 Avenue S. W. 
Calgary, AB, Canada  
T2R 0P3
      (403) 270-9661


Mailing lists for Integrity/Calgary are strictly confidential. Inclusion or receipt of this newsletter or membership in Integrity/Calgary does not imply sexual orientation.

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