Spending time in Holy Scripture is very important for all God's children and their spiritual development but sometimes it is a daunting task, we may always consult spiritual greats of the past in commentaries and their writings but alas such works can be expensive and inaccessible, but each one of us can sit and reflect with a few simple questions on any passage of scripture, to gain to how God is speaking to us today through the Bible.

Questions for Reflection

As preparation, read the passage slowly and sit quietly. After a while, read the passage again and consider the questions below:

1. What picture of Jesus/God do you see in this reading?
What emotions and thoughts does it spark?
What new ideas does it suggest to you?

2. What does this picture of Jesus/God say to you about your life?

3. What questions does this image raise for you?

4. What do you want to ask of Christ/God as you think about this passage?

5. What does Christ/God ask of you as you consider this passage?

-- Mary Lou Reading [adapted]

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